Tips for Indoor Gardening for beginners in USA | GreeneryLove

From Beginner to Pro: My Funny Adventure Growing Mint Plants Indoor

From Beginner to Pro: My Funny Adventure Growing Mint Plants Indoor

A healthy indoor mint plant in a white pot on a wooden surface.

Key Highlights

  1. Having indoor mint plants means you can always grab some fresh mint, no matter what time of year it is.
  2. You can pick from various mint types, like chocolate mint and apple mint. Each type adds a unique flavor.
  3. All they need to grow indoors is the proper soil.
  4. To help your mint plants do well inside, they should get plenty of light, but not direct sun, and they need that special soil mix.
  5. It can be hard to water these plants just right. Too much or too little water isn’t good.
  6. Stick to watering them on a regular schedule. Make sure the pots let extra water out to prevent overwatering or the roots rotting.
  7. Cutting back your mint plants regularly helps them stay bushy and healthy. It also helps keep bugs away and encourages new growth.
  8. Not only do these plants give you fresh herbs, but they also freshen up your home’s air. They make it smell good in a natural way and add a nice touch of green to your space.


Hey, my, fellow plant enthusiasts and curious readers! 👋 Buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a wild ride through my journey of becoming a self-proclaimed “Mint Master.” 🏆 That’s right, folks – I’ve gone from killing cacti (how is that even possible?) to nurturing a thriving indoor mint empire. So, grab your favorite cup of tea (mint, perhaps? 😉), and let’s dive into the aromatic world of indoor mint plants!

It was November 2023, and I stumbled upon a social media post about growing herbs indoors. Intrigued, I dived into indoor gardening videos, captivated by lush mint plants thriving on windowsills. The idea of having fresh mint for mojitos and a touch of nature in my apartment was irresistible. Thus began my journey into growing mint indoors, leading to hilarious mishaps, surprising wins, and a minty-fresh outcome.

Now let’s talk about how you can raise your own mint plants indoors using three easy ways! My mint really does well inside our home, especially in a cozy spot near a large window in the living room.

Discovering the Joy of Indoor Mint Gardening

Growing mint at home is a smart move because it’s super easy to care for. Mint just keeps growing leaves all year round unless it gets too cold and hurts its stems. There are a lot of different kinds out there, and some are favorites for their flavor.

Why is mint so easy to have indoors? As long as it gets enough light and stays damp (I’ll explain more about this in a bit), it does really well. On top of that, mint plants look great with their bright green leaves that often hang over the sides of the pot. I’ve seen my own mint plants bloom in winter! Yes, they are nice to look at but to be real, we mostly grow them for those tasty leaves that make a warm tea just right on cold days during the winter months.

Growing plants inside keep your garden full of new stuff. You can always pick fresh leaves whenever you want. A great thing about raising your own mint is smelling its fresh scent whenever you like. Just touch a leaf, and breathe in the cool smell. You can even put some in your bath for a chill time.

Raising mentha inside has a lot of benefits. It really helps keep annoying bugs away. You might see a gnat now and then, but mostly, my plants don’t have pests. Putting a small pot near things like kitchen tables not only looks nice but also makes sure your plant gets plenty of sunlight.

Why I decided to grow mint indoors

I chose to grow mint inside my home for many reasons. First off, it’s really useful to have fresh mint leaves whenever I need them. This comes in handy when I’m cooking or feel like drinking herbal tea. With mint grown indoors, I don’t have to stress about bad weather or bugs that often upset outdoor plants. Additionally, as an edible plant, mint adds a burst of flavor and versatility to my meals, making it a must-have in my indoor garden.

Having these plants inside means my home always has a fresh mint smell. It’s really nice and can cheer you up. Also, by having the mint indoors, I can take good care of them. I make sure they get just the right amount of light and not too much water. This way, I can try different kinds of mints and learn about all their awesome flavors and smells.

I found it pretty awesome to move my gardening inside with these sweet-smelling herbs. It’s simple but really rewarding.

The unexpected benefits of having mint at home

Keeping mint at your home isn’t just about adding flavor to your food. It’s like having a small, green friend that does a lot more than you might expect:

  1. Mint gives off oxygen and pulls in dirty air bits to clean the air where you live. Picture it as a live machine that cleans the air, making it easier to breathe and keeps your space smelling fresh.
  2. Mint has a nice smell that works like a fresh spray to make your house smell good. Just put a plant near a window or in the kitchen, and let it do its magic.
  3. Mint can also help you feel more relaxed. Its scent has a way of calming you, which is great for spots where you want to kick back or sleep.
  4. On top of that, mint plants look great in any spot! They add a bit of life and color to a room without taking up much room.

So, apart from making our food yummy with their leaves, having mint plants inside our homes brings us lots of benefits. They clean the air, keep things smelling nice, help us feel relaxed, and add more loveliness to our place. All we have to do is keep them close, like on shelves or near the window.

The Big Mint Test: Picking the Best Type

A bunch of fresh mint leaves on a white background.

When you plan on growing mint indoors, there are plenty of varieties to choose from. Mint comes in many flavors and scents. Here’s what to think about when selecting the best mint for your indoor garden:

  1. Mint seeds offer a wide selection to pick from.
  2. Mentha comes in different kinds, like peppermint, spearmint, and chocolate mint. Each has its own special flavor and smell.
  3. When it comes to mint types, some are more popular than others. People really like apple mint, pineapple mint, and orange mint.

Playing around with different kinds of mints can spice up your indoor garden. Pick one based on the flavor you enjoy and how easily it grows inside.

Peppermint vs. Spearmint: A flavorful dilemma

Peppermint and spearmint are two kinds of mint you might like to grow inside. They look similar but taste really different. Here’s how they compare:

  1. Peppermint packs a punch with its bold and cooling taste, thanks to the extra menthol. It’s great for tea, drinks, and desserts.
  2. Spearmint is softer and sweeter. It’s less intense than peppermint. It adds a mild mint flavor to salads, sauces, and marinades without taking over.

When choosing one for your indoor garden, think about the flavors you like or how you want to use them in cooking or drinks, including cocktails. Remember, each one has its unique appeal!

Rare mint varieties that caught my eye

I grew mint inside my house. I found some rare and interesting types of mint. They smell and taste different, which is pretty exciting for anyone growing mint inside. Here are a few uncommon mint types you might like:

Mint Variety

Flavor and Aroma

Apple Mint

Offers a sweet and fruity flavor with hints of apple. Perfect for adding a unique twist to your desserts and beverages.

Pineapple Mint

Features a tropical pineapple flavor that adds a refreshing and tangy twist to your culinary creations.

Orange Mint

Offers a citrusy flavor with hints of orange. It adds a bright and zesty note to cocktails and fruit salads.

By trying out these uncommon mint types, you can find new tastes and make your own special cooking adventures at home.

Putting Together a Mint Garden in My Living Room

To help mint thrive in your living area, you need a couple of key things. Here’s what you need to have happy mint plants indoors:

  1. Grow lights: Mint plants need to be in the light for about 4-6 hours a day, but not in light that’s too strong. If you can’t use natural sunlight, grow lights work well to give them the light they need to grow healthy.
  2. Potting mix: Make sure to use potting soil that lets water through easily so the roots can breathe and handle water well. Mixing in perlite or vermiculite can improve drainage.
  3. Indirect light: The best place for your mint is near a window where it can get light without being directly in the sun, which might hurt the leaves.

By making sure your indoor mint gets enough light and using the best soil that lets water flow through easily, you’re creating the perfect spot for it to grow well indoors.

Looking for the ideal place: It’s about light, fresh air, and beauty

Need the perfect spot to grow your mint inside? Consider these tips:

  1. Near a sunny spot: Mint plants need a lot of light, but not straight from the sun. Put them near a window where they can get sunlight for 4-6 hours a day. Just be sure they don’t get hit by the sunbeams directly. This can harm their leaves.
  2. In a lighted area: No window spot? No problem. You can use fake lights made for growing plants. They are perfect for giving your mint the light it needs.
  3. Keep your home’s style in mind: Think about how the mint plants will look in your space. Put them somewhere they will look nice and add to the beauty of your home.

By picking the perfect place that has enough light and makes your space look nice, you’re all set to grow beautiful indoor mints.

Pots, soil, and containers I made myself: How I get creative

When I want my indoor mint plants to grow well and stay healthy, I make sure to pick the right pots and soil. Let me tell you about my special way of selecting pots, and soil, and how I make my own containers:

  1. For pots: Picking clay pots or ones made of plastic with holes at the bottom is smart. These holes help the extra water flow out. Clay pots are often the best pick since they let the plant’s roots breathe better.
  2. About potting mix: Go for a high-quality potting mix that’s good at draining yet keeps the soil moist enough. You can add stuff like perlite or vermiculite to improve how well it drains.
  3. Making your own containers: Don’t hesitate to get creative with things like mason jars, ceramic bowls, or elegant planters as spots for your mint plants. Just make sure whatever you use has a way to let the extra water escape. That way, you avoid having roots that are too wet.

By picking the right clay pots, making sure they drain well with a good soil mix adding perlite when necessary, and trying out fun DIY ideas for pots, you’ll create the perfect place for your indoor mint plants to grow well.

Watering Woes and Wins

Taking good care of your mint plants inside your home means watering them just right. Here’s how to avoid making the usual mistakes and ensure you water them the right way:

  1. Make sure they get enough water, but not too much.
  2. Check the soil before watering to see if it’s dry.
  3. Give them a good soak when they need it.
  4. Mint plants really don’t like too much water. They can end up with sick roots. To stop this, only water your mint when the top inch of the soil is dry.
  5. Stick to a watering routine that suits your mint. Water it well, but let any leftover water escape from the holes at the bottom of the pot.
  6. To keep the moisture just right, keep in mind mint enjoys damp soil but not when it’s flooded with water. Ensure your pots allow water to flow out. This keeps the roots from getting too wet.

By following these tips on when and how much to water, you’ll make sure your indoor mints stay healthy and grow well.

Overwatering disasters and how I learned my lesson

When I tried to grow mint indoors, I ran into some problems because I watered them too much. This overwatering can cause the roots to go bad and attract pesky little bugs. Here’s the story:

  1. At first, I used to water my mint a lot, thinking it would help it grow. But, I learned that too much water is bad for the roots. It can choke them and lead to root rot.
  2. The extra water also created a perfect spot for little flies to appear. These flies thrive in wet soil.
  3. To solve this problem, I started to water my plants less often. I waited for the soil to dry somewhat before watering again. This approach helped prevent root rot and kept those annoying flies at bay.

I learned from this experience that giving indoor mint plants the perfect amount of water is key. It’s better to water them less than too much.

My foolproof watering schedule for thriving mint

To make sure your indoor mint plants stay healthy and keep growing, getting the watering just right is very important. Here’s what I’ve found to work for me:

  1. Keep the soil in the mint pot moist by watering it often.
  2. Stick your finger in the soil up to your first knuckle to check if the plant needs water. If the soil feels dry, it’s time to water. If it feels wet, wait a bit.
  3. When watering, keep going until water starts to leak out the bottom of the pot. This makes sure the roots get enough water.
  4. Don’t let the pots sit in the water. It can make the roots rot. Always pour out the water that gathers in the saucer below.

Following these steps ensures your mint grows well by keeping the water level just right – not too wet or too dry.

Mint Care: Pruning and Beyond

Taking care of mint is pretty simple if you follow a few important steps to keep it growing strong and bug-free. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. It’s a good idea to trim your mint often. This helps new parts grow. It also stops the plant from growing too tall and skinny. Just use clean scissors or shears and cut right above the leaves you see.
  2. Mint usually doesn’t get bothered by bugs much. But sometimes, aphids or spider mites might show up. It’s smart to keep an eye on your mint often. This way, you can handle any bugs quickly.
  3. Growing more mint is very easy. You can cut pieces from a mint plant you already have. Or, you can divide one plant into many for more mint.

By remembering to trim properly and to look out for bugs, you’ll help your mint grow really well.

The art of pruning: More than just cutting leaves

Caring for your indoor mint means doing a bit more than just snipping leaves. By removing old parts, you make room for new growth, which makes the plant thicker.

When you cut, aim to do it just above where two little leaves come out. This helps new branches to grow. It’s key not to cut the tough, woody stems since this can stop them from growing again.

If you gently clip the top part of each stem often, it stops the mint from making flowers. This lets your mint put more energy into growing leaves instead. The main goal is to keep your mint plant full and thick, and don’t forget to save and use the trimmings in your kitchen!

Pest control: Natural solutions to common problems

Minto plants are pretty strong and usually keep bugs away. But, sometimes, bugs can still bother them. The good news is, that you can fix these bug problems using natural stuff. For example, essential oils are great not just at keeping bugs away but also at making your house smell nice.

Peppermint oil is really great at keeping away pests like aphids and spider mites. Just mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and spray it on the plants that bugs are bothering. Also, getting some friendly bugs like ladybugs or lacewings to your garden can help because they eat pests like aphids.

Another choice is to use a bug-killing soap that’s safe for your mint plant. It will get rid of pests without hurting your plant. Just read the directions well and try it on a small part of your plant to make sure it’s okay.

Harvesting My Minty Rewards

Gathering mint is super simple and actually quite satisfying. The best time to do this is early in the morning. You should aim for when all the morning wetness has disappeared but it hasn’t yet gotten hot. This is when the mint leaves are packed with the most flavors because they have a lot of essential oils.

To gather your mint, you either snip off a few leaves or cut a stem above a spot where leaves are coming out from different species of mint plants. You can use the mint right then or save it for another time. Just make sure you don’t take more than one-third of the plant in one go. This helps the mint to continue to grow strong and healthy.

When to harvest for the best flavor

For the best-flavored mint, it’s a good idea to pick the leaves while they are young and soft. Pick mint in the morning. You should do this after the dew is gone and before it gets really warm. This is when the mint has the most oils that make it taste strong. Don’t pick leaves that look wilted or not the right color. They might not taste good. When cutting mint leaves, always use clean scissors. Cut them one at a time or just above where you see two leaves coming out. This helps new mints to grow back. That way, you’ll have a lot of it during its growing time.

Preserving mint: Drying, freezing, and fresh uses

If you have a lot of mint, don’t stress. There are loads of ways to save it for use later on.

Drying the mint leaves is one good option for preserving its longevity. Just tie some stems together and hang them upside down in a spot that’s cool and doesn’t get much light. In a few weeks, they’ll be dry. Once they’re completely dry, remove the leaves from the stems and store them in an airtight container. You can use dried mint in teas, flavored oils, and seasonings for different recipes.

Freezing the mint leaves is another way to keep them fresh for a longer period. First, clean and dry the leaves gently. Then, put them in a bag or container and stick them in the freezer. When you want to add some mint to your food or drinks, just take what you need directly from the freezer. Or, If you like fresh mint, allow it to thaw for its flavor to return.

Adding fresh mint immediately enhances the flavor. You can put it in salads or mix it into sauces. And let’s not forget those cooling cocktails! Oh, and desserts? They get even better when this green magic gets added into the mix.

Culinary Adventures with Homegrown Mint

Growing your own mint can make cooking a lot of fun. Mint has a fresh taste that makes things like salads, dressing, and dips taste amazing. It also makes drinks, like mojitos and mint juleps, extra tasty. When it’s dessert time, mint and chocolate together are really yummy, like in brownies or ice cream. There are so many delicious ways to use mint when you grow it yourself.

My top mint-infused recipes

Once you start exploring minty recipes, you can’t help but get creative. Here’s a list of my favorite ways to use fresh mint from my tiny indoor garden:

  1. Mix watermelon and cucumber pieces with feta cheese crumbles and chopped mint leaves. Add some olive oil, and you have yourself a super cool summer salad.
  2. To try something new with pesto, mix fresh mint leaves, garlic, pine nuts, and grated Parman cheese with olive oil in a blender. It’s great for mixing with pasta or spreading on small toast.
  3. A classic Mojito is made by squishing lime juice and sugar with mint leaves. Then, add rum and soda water for a cool drink.
  4. Add chopped mint leaves to your brownie mix for a flavor that brings together a great taste and rich chocolate.
  5. Want a relaxing drink? Put mint leaves in hot water to make tea. It will smell lovely. Making it better with a bit of honey or a lemon can do the trick.

These ideas are right at the beginning. Feel free to mix things up and toss some fresh mint into your favorite food. The fresh, zingy flavor of mint really brings a dish to life.

Mint cocktails: From garden to glass

Mint is a popular herbal ingredient for adding a refreshing twist and sweet smell to drinks. If you have mint growing at your place, you can easily make homemade, garden-fresh beverages. Here’s a simple guide on how to use your own mint to create delicious drinks:

  1. For a Classic Mojito:
  2. Mash up some fresh mint leaves with lime juice and a bit of simple syrup in your glass.
  3. Add white rum and club soda next, finishing it with more mint and a lime slice.

2. Making a Mint Julep:

  1. Begin by mixing sugar and fresh mint in the glass.
  2. Add bourbon to this mix and fill the glass with crushed ice. Stir it well until it’s really cold.
  3. Top it with a mint sprig.

3. Make a Mint Margarita:

  1. You need to mix tequila, fresh mint leaves, lime juice, and agave syrup.
  2. Blend them till they are super smooth.
  3. Then, pour it over ice.
  4. Add a little more beauty with a mint on top.
  5. If you want, you can also put a slice of lime for extra flavor!

These recipes are just the beginning to have fun with different tastes. You can use fresh mint from the garden to create your own special drinks.

Beyond the Kitchen: Mint’s Surprising Uses

Mint is great for more than just cooking. It can do a lot of awesome things. For example, you can make any place smell good and lively with it. Just put fresh mint leaves in a bowl or hang them up to freshen up the air. You can also make your own beauty products like oils and scrubs with mint and lemon balm at home. It is used in many skincare items because it cools down and makes your skin feel good and fresh.

Mint as a natural air freshener

Mint isn’t only yummy; it’s also awesome at making your house smell good without using chemicals. The cool, fresh smell of mint can kick out bad odors and make any space in your home more welcoming. Here are some methods to use mint to spruce up your area:-

  1. If you have mint leaves, just put a few fresh ones in a bowl or wrap them and place them around your home to make it smell nicer. The leaves will release their smell slowly, making everything smell nice.
  2. Another option is to use mint essential oil. Just add a few drops of water in a spray bottle and spray it around your room. This way, the fresh mint smell gets everywhere, making your space feel neat.
  3. For a change, soak some mint leaves in vinegar. Put them in a jar for a few weeks.
  4. After that, pour the liquid into a different spray bottle. This homemade mix is great for freshening the air. It’s also good for cleaning in an eco-friendly way.

Homemade mint beauty products

Mint leaves are not just good for cooking, they’re also great for making your own beauty products. Mint feels cool on the skin, helping to soothe and refresh it. That’s why you’ll find it in many skincare products. Here are a few simple minty items you could try making:

  1. Mint Oil: Get a jar. Fill it with mint leaves. Add almond or jojoba oil on top. Wait a few weeks and then take out the leaves. You now have a nice-smelling oil. It’s great for your skin or massages.
  2. Mint Face Pack: Take mint leaves. Mix them with yogurt and honey until it looks like a face pack. Put it on your face and relax for 10-15 minutes. Then, rinse with warm water.
  3. Mint Foot Scrub: Cut up mint leaves. Mix them into rough salt and olive oil. This makes a foot scrub. Use it on your feet when they’re sore. It removes dead skin and feels refreshing.

Putting minty homemade items into your skincare routine can make self-care feel even more special.


Growing mint inside your house is like being on a fun quest. It’s full of tasty surprises and amazing advantages. The journey starts with choosing the best type, preparing your mint garden, and figuring out how much to water it. Each of these steps is full of rewards. Taking care of the plants by cutting them back, fighting off bugs, and then picking your minty rewards is a lot of fun. Dive into making yummy food and drinks with mint or find out its many other uses. Feel like a pro gardener as you enjoy the great taste and all the benefits of this beloved herb. It’s right there for you to use. Cheers to a good time planting!

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